PCI 5.19 ‘Connection of Malta to the European Gas Network— pipeline interconnection with Italy at Gela’ consisting of a hydrogen-ready gas pipeline interconnection between Malta (Delimara) and Italy (Gela, Sicily) with a diameter of 22” (DN 560) and an approximate length of 159km. The pipeline has been designed for bi-directional flow but its primary aim is to enable gas / hydrogen flows from Italy to Malta. The project will end Malta’s isolation from the European gas network and thus contribute to integration of the gas and future hydrogen market, improved security of energy supply, given that presently the island depends on LNG supply through shipping. The project’s design has been upgraded to transport blends of renewable gases/natural gas and pure hydrogen, once the supplies of such green gases become progressively available and feasible, as part of Malta’s future transition plan to a carbon neutral economy.
Melita TransGas Hydrogen ready Pipeline (‘MTGP’) is a 159km (151 km offshore, 7km onshore in Sicily and 1km onshore in Malta) long pipeline project, from Delimara (Malta) to Gela (Italy).
The project will end Malta’s isolation from the European gas network and thus contribute to integration of the gas and future hydrogen market, improved security of energy supply, given that presently the island depends on LNG supply through shipping. The project’s design has been upgraded to transport blends of renewable gases/natural gas and pure hydrogen, once such green gases supplies become progressively available and feasible, as part of the future transition plan to a carbon neutral economy.
The Project’s design and financial engineering studies were updated to reflect a hydrogen ready infrastructure, making it capable of transporting pure hydrogen to the Maltese islands.
Once implemented, MTGP will replace the need of the current LNG supply infrastructure (i.e. Floating Storage Unit and on-shore regasification facility) introduced in January 2017 as an intermediate solution for the sole purpose of fuelling the gas-fired power generation plant in Delimara.
MTGP is designed with a 22” diameter pipeline that enables bidirectional flows and has a maximum operational capacity of 1.2 bcm/year from Italy to Malta if operated on natural gas which is equivalent to around 4.2 bcm of pure Hydrogen.
EU Co-Financing
The preparatory studies conducted since 2013, including the feasibility/basic design studies, front-end engineering design, permitting studies and financial engineering studies were 50% con-financed by the European Union under the TEN-E and CEF programmes. The total amount disbursed by Commission by end of 2023 was of €3.7million.
Project Promoter
Interconnect Malta Ltd (ICM) is the project promoter of MTGP (PCI 5.19).
ICM is a 100% government owned company that falls under the responsibility of the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and the Regeneration of the Grand Harbour. The company was originally established as Melita TransGas Co Ltd in 2018 and changed its name to Interconnect Malta Ltd on the 4th of August 2021.
Project of Common Interest
Following a positive assessment by the Commission pursuant to Article 24 (1) and (2) of TEN-E Regulation (EU) 2022/869, the Project has retained its PCI status in the list of 2023.
The design of the Melita Transgas pipeline was updated to allow the transportation of pure hydrogen.

the main elements of the
PipEline INFrastructure
Terminal station sited within the Delimara Power Station (Malta) confines in order to receive gas from Sicily and forward it to the power generation plant and any other possible interested consumers in Malta;
A 0.7 km concrete coated 22 inch underground pipeline crossing the Delimara peninsula through a microtunnel trenchless method from the Malta landfall to the Delimara Terminal Station (Top Picture);
A 7.1 km long 22 inch diameter underground pipeline from the shore line in Sicily, adopting a trenchless HDD method at the landing point south east of the Greenstream pipeline, to the terminal station in Gela;
Three Block Valve Stations along the onshore route in Gela, Sicily in line with Article 2.5.2 of Decreto Ministerale 04 April 2014 in view that the pipeline shall cross two railway lines and three roads;
Terminal station in Gela (Bottom Picture) which connects the hydrogen ready pipeline to the SNAM Rete Gas Network in Sicily.

Connecting Malta to the European Gas Grid
Giving our island the possibility to import Renewable Gases such as Hydrogen and Biomethane.
Pursuant to Art 9(4) of the TEN-E Regulation and as part of the pre-application procedure, the 1st round of Public Consultations were held in Gela, Palermo, Rome and Malta and the positive outcomes have been an important input for the ongoing permitting activities.
2018 August:
Melita TransGas Company Limited (MTG Co.) was established as a public undertaking to succeed to the obligations of the “Ministry for the Energy & Water Management” as the previous Project Promoter of PCI 5.19. MTG Co. will take the functions of the Project Promoter to implement, construct, commission and operate the MTG Pipeline, acting as the Maltese Transmission System Operator.
2018 November:
Commencement of the CEF co-funded activities related to the Marine Surveys, Front-End-Engineering-Design and Environmental Impact Assessment following public calls for tenders:
– Marine survey of the offshore route and nearshore Gela & Malta
– Contractor: Lighthouse SpA - Front-end Engineering Design studies (FFED) & EPC tender preparation
– Contractor: Techfem/SPS JV - Permitting/EIA Studies – Contractor: (AIS, CESI & VDP) MT-IT JV
Following surveys from PMRS and FEED, the route was further optimised taking into consideration all the constraints encountered, namely, physical, environmental, social, bathymetrical, and legislative.
The Environmental Studies were completed namely, Metocean Study, Noise Assessment, Ecological Surveys, Site soil Investigations.
Following the submission of an Investment Request , a Cross-Border Cost- allocation Decision was jointly issued by the Maltese and Italian National Regulatory Authorities
Preliminary Marine Route Survey completed and PSA issued. During the campaign, 4 different types of data was collected (MBES, SBP, Magnetometer, SSS) for the whole 159km route. Moreover, 2,000km transects of ROV were filmed.
Front-End Engineering design completed and the Environmental Impact Assessments were submitted to the Maltese and Italian Competent Authorities.
Approval of the Maltese EIA.
Issuance of Maltese Development permit
The EIA assessment in Italy was completed with a positive outcome.
The Italian permit (Autorizzazione Unica) was issued.
For any additional information or comments send an email to: [email protected]