Pursuant to Article 12 (3) of the Regulation 347/2013, “as soon as such a project has reached sufficient maturity, the project promoters, after having consulted the TSOs from the Member States to which the project provides a significant net positive impact, shall submit an investment request… to all the national regulatory authorities concerned”, MTG Co submitted the Investment Request, including all the relevant documentation, on 17th April 2019 to the Maltese and Italian NRAs:
- Investment Request key conclusions
- Business Plan
- Project Specific Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cross-Broder Cost Allocation proposal
- Financial and Economic Model
After the assessment of the documentation, the relevant NRAs have jointly issued the Cross-Border Cost Allocation (CBCA) decision on 4th June 2019, stating that ‘Malta should bear 100% of the costs of the MTGP project and as such, no monetary transfer is needed between Italy and Malta’, which has been published on their respective websites: ARERA Website (Italy) & REWS Website (Malta).